AMS - EM - Gynecology: Gynecology Emergencies; Abnormal Uterine Bleeding; Pelvic Pain (Download)


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Topics and Objectives

Title: Emergency Medicine – Gynecology: Gynecology Emergencies; Abnormal Uterine Bleeding; Pelvic Pain

Faculty: Albert J. Peters, D.O., F.A.C.O.G.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2018  Expiration Date: July 1, 2021

TOPIC 1: Gynecologic Emergencies.

Upon completion of this session, using ACOG and CDC Guidelines, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Recognize the more common and significant gynecologic emergencies.
  2. Formulate a rapid and concise treatment plan for various emergencies, such as:
    1. Ectopic pregnancies,
    2. Uterine hemorrhage,
    3. Gynecologic infections.
  3. Provide follow-up care to the post-gynecologic emergency patient.

TOPIC 2: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Upon completion of this session, using ACOG Practice Guidelines, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Define abnormal uterine bleeding.
  2. Differentiate between functional and organic causes.
  3. Manage most non-surgical etiologies of this problem.

TOPIC 3: Pelvic Pain.

Upon completion of this session, using ACOG Practice Guidelines, International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) and the Cochrane Abstract Database, the participant should be able to: EBM,GL, COMP

  1. Assess the patient with acute or chronic pain.
  2. Identify the differential diagnosis and choose appropriate management options for the patient.
  3. Differentiate patients who require immediate attention to their pelvic pain versus the chronic pain patient.

Total Cost: $

    Title: Emergency Medicine – Gynecology: Gynecology Emergencies; Abnormal Uterine Bleeding; Pelvic Pain

    Faculty: Albert J. Peters, D.O., F.A.C.O.G.

    Original Release Date: July 1, 2018  Expiration Date: July 1, 2021

    TOPIC 1: Gynecologic Emergencies.

    Upon completion of this session, using ACOG and CDC Guidelines, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

    1. Recognize the more common and significant gynecologic emergencies.
    2. Formulate a rapid and concise treatment plan for various emergencies, such as:
      1. Ectopic pregnancies,
      2. Uterine hemorrhage,
      3. Gynecologic infections.
    3. Provide follow-up care to the post-gynecologic emergency patient.

    TOPIC 2: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

    Upon completion of this session, using ACOG Practice Guidelines, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

    1. Define abnormal uterine bleeding.
    2. Differentiate between functional and organic causes.
    3. Manage most non-surgical etiologies of this problem.

    TOPIC 3: Pelvic Pain.

    Upon completion of this session, using ACOG Practice Guidelines, International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) and the Cochrane Abstract Database, the participant should be able to: EBM,GL, COMP

    1. Assess the patient with acute or chronic pain.
    2. Identify the differential diagnosis and choose appropriate management options for the patient.
    3. Differentiate patients who require immediate attention to their pelvic pain versus the chronic pain patient.
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