AMS - Family Medicine - Time and Efficiency Skills: Neurologic Exam; Rheumatology Tests; Communication Skills (Hard Copy)


Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $84.00.

Topics and Objectives

Title: Family Medicine – Time and Efficiency Skills: Neurologic Exam; Rheumatology Tests; Communication Skills
Faculty: William T. Ayoub, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R.; Gary H. Oberlender, M.D., F.A.C.P.; and David E. Riley, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: The Neurological Examination.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Organize the disparate parts of the neurologic examination into a personally relevant, manageable and reproducible diagnostic tool.
  2. Perform a concise screening neurologic exam for asymptomatic patients.
  3. Perform a problem-tailored neurologic exam for patients with neurologic complaints.
  4. Obtain maximum yield from the examination of a patient with an altered mental status.

TOPIC 2: Laboratory and Radiological Tests in Rheumatology.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Interpret the various classes of synovial fluid analysis.
  2. Determine the use and limitations of laboratory testing with emphasis upon the American College of Rheumatology Choosing Wisely recommendations.
  3. Discuss key x-ray findings in patients with rheumatic diseases.

TOPIC 3: Improving Communication Skills in Medical Practice.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Appraise the variety of ways that people perceive communication and process information.
  2. Assess your personal communication strengths and limitations.
  3. Determine communication issues unique to older patients.
  4. Develop practices and apply skills to maximize effective communication and listening based on current literature.

Total Cost: $

    Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

    Title: Family Medicine – Time and Efficiency Skills: Neurologic Exam; Rheumatology Tests; Communication Skills
    Faculty: William T. Ayoub, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R.; Gary H. Oberlender, M.D., F.A.C.P.; and David E. Riley, M.D.

    Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

    TOPIC 1: The Neurological Examination.
    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

    1. Organize the disparate parts of the neurologic examination into a personally relevant, manageable and reproducible diagnostic tool.
    2. Perform a concise screening neurologic exam for asymptomatic patients.
    3. Perform a problem-tailored neurologic exam for patients with neurologic complaints.
    4. Obtain maximum yield from the examination of a patient with an altered mental status.

    TOPIC 2: Laboratory and Radiological Tests in Rheumatology.
    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

    1. Interpret the various classes of synovial fluid analysis.
    2. Determine the use and limitations of laboratory testing with emphasis upon the American College of Rheumatology Choosing Wisely recommendations.
    3. Discuss key x-ray findings in patients with rheumatic diseases.

    TOPIC 3: Improving Communication Skills in Medical Practice.
    Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

    1. Appraise the variety of ways that people perceive communication and process information.
    2. Assess your personal communication strengths and limitations.
    3. Determine communication issues unique to older patients.
    4. Develop practices and apply skills to maximize effective communication and listening based on current literature.
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    • The receipt for any incentive-associated purchase will designate the value of the gift card separately from the cost of the learning activity.
    • This incentive may have implications on your tax reporting obligations. Any reimbursed amount must be declared as personal income for tax purposes.